Extra Curricular

Swimming Lessons

Each year the school conducts a Learn to Swim program at the Port Lincoln Leisure Centre. These sessions usually occur in term 2 and are run by qualified swimming instructors.

Religious Education

Religious Education lessons are provided each term by volunteers. These lessons usually run for approximately one hour and are not biased towards any one denomination.

Religious Education is not compulsory and parents may request to have their child exempted from these lessons through negotiation with the school principal. Please contact the school if you would like further information.

Music Programs

The school is able to provide instrumental music instruction for years 3 – 7 .

Please note that due to the demand placed upon the instrumental teachers, children must be committed to practice and learn at a reasonable rate or they may be withdrawn from the program. The school has a piano which is used for lessons but having a piano at home would be an advantage for students.


The school is affiliated with the South Australian Primary Schools Amateur Sports Association and children in years six and seven have the opportunity to represent Lower Eyre Peninsula in the S.A.P.S.A.S.A. competition in a wide variety of sports. The school has an excellent record in S.A.P.S.A.S.A. with many students representing the school in a variety of sports over
the years.  S.A.P.S.A.S.A events include football, netball, soccer, tennis, horse riding and athletics days. 

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