Principals Welcome
Ungarra Primary School is committed to the values of Resilience, Respect, Achievement and Integrity. Our school strives to create a learning environment centred on student engagement, rigour and well-being for learning.
Our students develop skills and attributes that prepare them to be successful members of a global community now and in the future: academic expertise, perseverance, self-discipline, resourcefulness, collaboration, independence, deep world knowledge, creative and critical thinking, adaptiveness and engagement with technology. Students are guided and inspired by outstanding teachers who are actively encouraged to explore new and emerging thinking in education to enable academic growth for all students.
Ungarra Primary School values effective relationships between families and school and how this directly effects student outcomes. We welcome parents to be involved in their child’s learning through successful communication and/or classroom support.
All students can find opportunities to be extended in their learning. The following opportunities are some of the avenues students can take to extend their skills and understanding.
Ungarra Primary School actively encourage and support students in local, interschool, regional and state level sport.
Our school strives for growth of all students in Literacy and Numeracy and moving students into achieving High Bands in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Our recent Year 1 Phonics checks and NAPLAN results regularly show 100% achieving the standard of education achievement. NAPLAN results also show a high number of students achieving high bands in Numeracy, Writing and Reading.
Our year 6 student leaders participate in unpacking aspects of leadership which they plan and implement throughout the school year. Hosting visiting community groups and guests, cross aged learning, local community connections and building an inclusive school environment are but a few of the focus areas.
Ungarra Primary School Enterprise Group (year 3-6 students) collaboratively create fundraising opportunities for the school which include communicating with and hosting local community groups. The planning, ordering and finance are all skills which our students experience through the process. Students also market and sell our local produce to the community.
We are proud of our beautiful school site and facilities, including our new basketball, netball and tennis courts, nature play areas facilities and ICT which we strive to use in an innovative way to enhance student learning. In addition Ungarra Primary School has a kitchen/garden program, in which the students harvest their produce that is grown on site and then cook with it in the school kitchen. Another initiative is the students’ farming projects. Each student has their own mini farming plot where they grow their own crops. They need to care for their plot just like a real farmer!
I welcome you to come and experience Ungarra Primary School for yourself and I look forward to meeting you to discuss how we can meet the needs of your family.